Following the 150th anniversary campaign with Kunsthalle Basel in 2022, Edit Oderbolz is the third artist since 2019, after Renée Levi and Eddie Hara, to design unique posters for Ramstein during Art Basel. Oderbolz explores different readings of space and material in her predominantly three-dimensional works. For Ramstein, she has now for the first time devised a performative, photographic realisation in which she poetically and sensually re-explores and expands her artistic work.

Ramstein is also breaking new grounds with this work by Edit Oderbolz and the art form of photography. The posters depict eight different works that show different body fragments and impressively address fragility. In the context of a poster campaign in public space, the series challenges the viewers and offers them the opportunity to reflect on their own relationship to the body, to age, insecurity and vulnerability.

Art Direction — Dieter Bopp

Poster printing – JCM

Poster printing – Arni Siebdruck

Lithography – Andreas Muster

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