More than a century of opticians


We celebrate 125 years of Ramstein Optik!

Seeing more beautiful since 1899

Carl Ramstein was not one of the 200 Basel residents who left the city for overseas in 1899. On the contrary, together with Wilhelm Schultheiss, he founded his Ramstein & Schulthess Optical Institute in Greifengasse in Kleinbasel. And so this year we are celebrating the 125th anniversary of the company.

The posters

We developed numerous unique ideas for this special anniversary. We started with our new poster campaign - traditionally at the Basel carnival. Instead of using new portraits as in the last six years, we are now taking a look back at more than three decades of Ramstein poster design - and you can rediscover 31 iconic, award-winning and unique posters over the course of the year.

The customer magazine «Sichtbar»

To celebrate our extraordinary anniversary, we are presenting twenty-five individual stories from acquaintances and lesser-known people in our customer magazine. Discover the personal, the astonishing - and the unexpected. In the current issue of "Visible", we are focussing on the essentials: people. The magazine is available in German.

The magazine was illustrated by the artist Patrizia Stalder.

Surprises from Ramstein

Throughout the year, products specially made for Ramstein will be available in our shop in Sattelgasse. It all started with beautiful bags made from recycled cotton, printed by Arni Siebdruck in Basel. 

Visit us and celebrate 125 years of Ramstein with us!

The summer surprises continue with ceramic bowls made for us by Gemma Orkin from Cape Town, South Africa. You can find the bowls in our shop windows. As always: It's as good as it gets!

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* Max. six issues per year